Tuesday, 6 April 2010


Well Easter has gone and there was no Easter Egg hunt....but great news Steve is Home, weak and tired but home and after a few home cooked meal and a wifes loving care we will get that 1.5 stone back on him in no time....or perhaps just a little of it..he did need to lose weight but not like that!!!!
So a week of looking after him and then we can continue the Rotary Journey...ever mindful of Family then work and then those other things we get involved in...xxx

Thanks to all our friends Rotary and not for all the cards and best wishes....xxxx

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear Steve is back home. Lots of TLC will get him a right as ninepence, but don't let him get too used to it now. I trust he is still practicing wearing that shirt and tie, just to prove it did not cause the lurgy.
