Friday, 15 January 2010

Thursday 14th January R.C Buena Vista and Epcot

A 6.45am start to get to R.C Lake Beuna Vista,,,great breakfast and fun seeking club who are very Disney....and I got to get a Mickey Mouse Disney pin.....they are the only business organsiation who has been allowed to use the Rotary emblem on theirs....he is great...
After breakfast we went to Disney but only got to see Epcot which is great and was exhausting.....but so much fun, thanks to two great rotarians from the District who took us under their wing as they were their with their guests Len and Judith and showed us the best rides and quick ways to get on them...Thanks Carl and

Our Hosts collected us from Epsot at 7pm and off we went to have a meal with their family and some members of their club at a local restaurant...really good too...but was we tired.....of course we were....but it was so worth it...only my feet are saying they have had enough....

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