Friday, 29 January 2010

Is it Thursday or Friday?

We left Thursday at 8.20pm...and now its Friday at 8.53pm.....and I have lost time! But a good nights sleep might sort that out....2nd load of washing in the machine and cases nearly its nearly back to normal....I will add pictures tomorrow....but if you need to look before then have at look at my facebook page....The children have all visited and all now had their pressies and a takeaway pizza, so now they are fed watered and gone it time to say ''Night Night''

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Wednesday...making the most of it

What to do so little time and so much to do....

So a lie in was in order, followed by Brunch...we have decided the next 18 months are going to be relentless so are going to enjoy 18 hours of doing far the Brunch was lush, by far the best breakfast buffet we have ever we are deciding how to do know the hamster wheel that goes round and round....well we can't get the hang of it not spinning and may be a little lost!
Tell you more later!

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Tuesday a Helicopter Flight over the Grand Canyon

Up at 5am to get ready for the Limo to pick us up to take us to the airport....anyone who knows me well...knows I am only now waking thta was an ungodly hour for me....

We went on a Helicopter Flight over the Grand Canyon and had a small breakfast on Indian Ground out to see some of the sights when Steve finishes his nap, he has a terrible temperature and we are dosing him with Paracetamol.....everyone tells you that you are ill when you come back from San Diego....and guess what they are right!....

We have just come back from shopping and hotel visiting, my feet are killing me and my bank account probably thinks the same..hahaha..anyway now for a nice meal out with Steve, after a few more him...

Have answered a few emails and just received a gift via San Diego from  DGE James and Tess his wife from District 3850, lovely Manillian bag, shame I missed them at the Hotel there to receive it....but I have it now and thats what matters...Aren't I a lucky girl...

Monday, 25 January 2010

Monday is sight seeing day...

And we are off to start the day...
and what a day it was...Steves not well now! but we went towards the Old Town.Steves Idea...let me now say nowhere in Wales will be bad news ever again! about dodgy!.....I'll organise on Tuesday...
Had a wonderful breakfast here this morning, we are staying in The Wynn...had a great deal...normally $375 a night...I got it for $99 a night, five star luxury and the food well....yummmmmm......breakfast buffet style $18.95 each, every nationality covered for and as much juice, coffee, food..the smiked salmon was Lush........oh my god.....apart from an ice cream thats all we ate today as it was so good.....

At the hotel we booked to see Le Reve....which is awesome.....choreography like none other I have seen and the technicality of it all it just gotta see it if you come to Las Vegas....
went to walk around some of the other hotels afterwards before coming back for more paracetamol for Steve....early start on Tuesday so bed reasonably early!

Sunday and the drive to Las Vegas

A early start and to the car hire shop we a car and have driven to Los Angeles...what a disapointment!
but onto Las Vegas and its really Viva Las Vegas as Elvis would have said...

we are here now at The Wynn...I have stayed in some nice hotels and some 5*'s but this is something else! WOW....
But its been a really hard day and we are going to take in the sights locally and then take a meal and get a early a early sight seeing start tomorrow....
I am still Rotary overkilled and can't think of anything else at the moment so many ideas and still so long before July 4th....and it is still Bobs year and his goals are to completed and taken up into the next year too if many conversations to have with the team Bob, Mike and David and me have to tie up so much....Like every DGE after this trip I am sure its a chance to balnce the enthusiasm we come away with with the reality of our districts....
Anyway I have had a blast.....

Saturday, 23 January 2010

The Final Day....

Ahead of us is the farewells and the final Plenary as well as some other great speakers I am sure....this has been one of the most wonderful experiences outside of my family one can prepare you for the Internationality of this wonderful Organisation, all the worlds DGE's and their partners in one place all sharing a common goal...where else can so many people from so many countries with the same Peaceful, Service goals meet without knowing each others language but who communicate so much and so well...Rotary is the Premier Service Organisation I have no doubt of that, I have entered to learn, but am now biting at the bite to go forth to serve....

Its 7.52am here, so am now going to get ready to go and grasp every ounce of knowledge to enable me to do the best I can when I get home...

.More later after I have experienced all of this and of course the farewell dinner


This has been one hell of a day, one to remember forever, and on the last plenary sesion myself and James my GSE classmate and DGE featured on the screen as a photo from the day before...signatures available later folks!
The day was without a minute hestitation brilliant, friends have been made for life and the experiences in many ways change the perceptions of Rotary in my own mind so now the owrk begins, I have a story to tell and plans to make work...after I get back from some r and r in Las Vegas that is....
I'll add photos of al the week perhaps at the airport when I have spare time, one thng here is that time is not something that is spare...its a full on 12-15 hour day and you know it at the end of the week....but I loved it and have  alot to be grateful for....thanks all who voted for me to be DGE as its really now the wonderful journey i thought it might be..

Friday, 22 January 2010

Friday 22nd January

How quickly has this week gone...two days left and then we are supposedly ready...oh my god! I am in awe of so many projects and people but can't wait to get home and get started.....

Today there is a really full on program but I have a sore throat, and runny nose, so better go gee myself up for the day ahead...the International Entertainment is tonight as well so I just have to be well!!!! haha


How Lucky am I , I spent the first part of the evening speaking to Past RI President Charles C. Keller (California, Pennsylvania, USA) and Past RI President Clifford Dochterman (Moraga, California, USA) at a Sundowners. Chuck [ Charles Keller] is an amazing man with wonderfully modern views and the future of our organisation and Cliff has just written a new book which has sold out here and I just have to get...Frank Devlin was also there but I only got to shake his hand! got to get his book too....
Then another past President M.A.T. Caparas (Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines) sat with me at Dinner and we had a wonderful chat about his experiences and how much he respected Bill Huntley...this all included me losing Steve who I later found sat with another group having great fun too....
I had been assigned to sit with Richard King two evenings ago, so feel very honoured to have been in the presence of so many wonderful R.I Past President...But last nights Sundowners experience thanks to Past ...RIBI President David Morgan who along with his wife Mary are very dear friends was just amazing....
I expected to come down to earth then with The Entertainment night but it was awesome and the RIBI brigade were absolutely wonderful....we had a wonderful night and great fellowship....and can't belive this is nearly over....

Thursday 21st

What A day.....really full on and busy, lots of interesting speakers and round table discussions.

I now have a better understanding of Our Foundation, and the GSE team's DGE is lovely as is Tess his wife, I know Our team will be treated really well when they get out there in 2011-12.

We have so many gifts to bring back, customs may wonder what we are up to!

I met the DGE from the Aussie District that our last GSE team went to and he was gushing about our team, they were a credit to themselves and the district I was well done to you all.....bad news was he Reckoned Steve had an easy job as the team was so good....I expect it was becasue Steve had trained them so well in the first place myself....Well Done to You All...I was like a proud Mum being told that!

The Spouses put together a Cultural exchange and the tables of info from all over the world with foods, drinks, take away items fellowship and wonder of it all is just amazing, to bring together all those nations in one room sharing their words cannot explain what it was like, if we could bottle it then the world would be a better place...and so many people took the info on Wales from our stand that we should have lots of International Visitors, 6 big boxes of Wales Tourist Board info all gone! amazing....

Had a rehearsal that was!!!!! .....ready for the international entertainment night on feet are killing me! But it should be fun come the night, if not very entertaining to watch...

A few Drinks in Jims room with the team and of to bed, it really is exhausting this International Assembly..but absolutely wonderful and not to be missed.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Wednesday 20th January 2010

The day awaits and I get to meet my GSE Partner.although we have already met in the Market place here....I am really excited about discussing what we are going to aim to do, already I have given lots of Districts the Marys Meals link and this is one now I really want to share with Jmaes from Dist 3850 our GSE partner District....

this was the picture taken when I met James....

I also met Ted from the Philippines who knew of the Marys Meals program which was awesome, Ted is from District 3860....great news....just popped up now during lunch to add this picture of James ,so will have to rush for the next session....

Tuesday January 19th 2010

Well its Tuesday here in San Diego and its 10.50pm..... at home its Wednesday 6.50am!
Just going to bed after a really hard day! 7am breakfast and not stopped to now! as we have been rehearsing since 8pm for the festival night as we have to entertain the rest of the world...oh my god!

Good sessions today and lots of fun, had an invitation as RIBI to attend a private drinks reception at the RI Presidents room after dinner and we all had a great hour....lots of good Rotarians there as well including our own David Morgan, Tony De St Dalmas, David Liddiat, Frank Devlin....and the welcome was second to none...Thanks all...

Key note speakers today gave wonderful inspiring speeches on the whole and the internationality of the Assembly is just awesome....
so many gifts and cards from so many Rotarians and their Spouses as well...tomorrow night is the International night so lots of photos to be taken then...

Night all... or should I say Good Morning all....xx

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

And the RIBI drink at Jims Room on Monday night

Just met an RI foundation CoOrdinator Rtn Bob Kings who lives in Oregan.USA.....but comes from Abertillery in Blaenau Gwent, his Dad is still there so I am going to go and pay a visit when we get small is our world really?.....Rotary is truely an amazing opportunity to meet so many brilliant inspiring people....I feel so blessed and honoured to represent District 1150...

Monday and the International Assembly has begun....

It has been forecast as the storm of the century here in San Diego, but we are now inside the hotel and the Assembly has begun...and now the theme has been announced and I am totally in awe of the year ahead...
words cannot describe how the Assembly feels and how its mind boggling! Palm Springs

can you believe it...I can't I am pinching myself all the time...staying with friends Roger and Ann Percival who are Rotary colleagues in Ramona....and its great to be ferried around...

Saturday, 16 January 2010

Friday 15th...a free day means a shopping day

A free Day
A good start at buying some goodies...and the credit card might be complaining very soon!

Then the farewell dinner which was great, lots of hosts and guests and some good food.....saddened by the fact we are to leave on Saturday....but Thanks to the District for all their organisation and to our hosts Rick and Robin..xx

Home stay is something I would recommend all DGE's consider you see the area and the world of Rotary through different eyes and this has been one wonderful experience.

Saturday 16th January 2010....and we leave our new Rotary Friends

A sad Farewell as we depart Orlando and the O'Donnell family Home, we have had a great time and have been so welcomed, it was made sadder by the fact that Reese was sick all last night and this meant Rick had to stay at home with the boys to nurse them....we have in such a short time grown to love you guys....Thanks for making us feel at hope you can come to Wales in August for the wedding...fingers crossed...

We are now in Denver waiting for the conection to San Diego and time has changed again....wouldn't it be easier if we all had the same time around the world!

We will be at San Diego at 5pm, another time change again, so I guess we might sleep well or bad!

Friday, 15 January 2010

Thursday 14th January R.C Buena Vista and Epcot

A 6.45am start to get to R.C Lake Beuna Vista,,,great breakfast and fun seeking club who are very Disney....and I got to get a Mickey Mouse Disney pin.....they are the only business organsiation who has been allowed to use the Rotary emblem on theirs....he is great...
After breakfast we went to Disney but only got to see Epcot which is great and was exhausting.....but so much fun, thanks to two great rotarians from the District who took us under their wing as they were their with their guests Len and Judith and showed us the best rides and quick ways to get on them...Thanks Carl and

Our Hosts collected us from Epsot at 7pm and off we went to have a meal with their family and some members of their club at a local restaurant...really good too...but was we tired.....of course we were....but it was so worth it...only my feet are saying they have had enough....

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Wednesday 13th January 2010 A free Day!!!

A free Day....
7am Breakfast meeting with The RC Dr. Phillips Club

Shopping at A Typical Designer Mall...and Lunch too...all with Robin our Host...a wonderful experience

Meeting a Spanish Youth Exchange Student Luis ...great Boy

Then another First watching a Varsity Female Soccer match at Dr Phiilips High School, Riley, Robins daughter was playing....

Off to bed now, Having done some laundry....7.30 am Breakfast meeting again in the morning.then of to see Mickey for the day....Night all...xxxx

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Tuesday 12th January a Trip to the Lakes to see the Marratai

Up early to leave for 8am....tell you about it later....xx

Monday 11th January Kennedy Space Centre Trip

A early start as we needed to be away from Robins and Ricks at 7am, so we could meet Carl and Pat- who are hosts of our colleagues Len and Judith, so over to Celebration to meet them all for us to then go onto The Space Centre....
A great experience and one we are glad we did not miss, a busy quite tiring day but a day that was hosted so well by Carl and Pat and we so enjoyed geting to know Judith and Len more.

We were collected from Celebration by Rick and went back home via the Disney Village.

Then for some R and R...but the boys were glad to see their friend and Steve actually became a child again playing and horsing around with those adorable little boys...not sure who is going to miss who when we leave on Saturday.

Dinner was lovely which was supplied by a friend of Robins and her husband Art who is a PDG came along and had dessert with us, was good to talk to another PDG but we are afraid we were so tired we might not have seemed as interetested as we should. hopefully he will be at Robins club meeting on Wednesday morning to catch up some more....
Then to our beds...oh they were so welcomed! off for another day tomorrow, to see the Marratai?

Monday, 11 January 2010

10-01-10 of to the the Lakes

Then it was time to take the  children home, a quick change into something warm and pick up Steve for us to go to the Welcome Party, which meant we all met at The Winter Park, then the group split up and went on two boats to travel the lakes and canals with a great guide who told us all about the history of this area.....and we also got to know about the Rollins College which is amazing just to look at and has an amazing Alumni too.....the homes around the Winter Lakes are just wonderful and whoa can I jsut imagine how much they will cost.....travelling on Lake Ocela and Lake Virginia to name just two...

Then when it was all finished we had a Barbeque and bit of a party...

We also were presented with a certificate and mention from the local Mayor!...who is also a member of the R.C Maitland, a great day although very cold....thanks to Robin for letting me have your hat and Rick for Steve having your was cold out there....but Steve still got a red head...must beWind Burn!

We T en went home with Rick and Robin stopping at some shops!  hey ! and also at Krispy Donnuts...they are devine!!!!! sorry Lee can't bring you one will have to go visit Nan in Birmingham...

Tomorrow is an early start we have to be ready and out by I think I may go to bed early....

Sunday 10th January starts with a visit to church

A great start to the day after a good nights sleep, breakfast with the children, Riley, Regan and Reese, Good Coffee made by Rick and the off to Church with the family, leaving Steve at home - as we all know what he is like when it comes to going to church!

But just to prove that Florida is not always hot or even warm.....

the fountain had frozen on one side!

A beautiful service by Father Jim and his celebrants and congregation at a lovely new church....a great start to this week...
Thank you for allowing me to join you at church, O'Donnell Family...

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Gatwick Airport and the Journey begins

Well its here...the real journey now begins.9.45 hours to Orlando where we will stay with our hosts for the homestay part of this Rotary Journey, Robin and her family in Orlando are putting up wth us for the next watch this space as even if I am shattered I am going to update you all with what we have done and how its going....after this week in Orlando we then move on to San Diego for two nights with DGE Roger and Ann Percival who have rented a house there...and then to the Manchester Hyatt where the International Assembly for Rotary takes place....Now I am excited to know what the theme for 2010-11 is going to be....
then some R and R as we plan to hire a car and go of to Las Vegas for 4 nights before coming home on the 29th!
So here we are at Gatwick ready to fly at 11.40...but to expect delays, afterall the snow has been bad! it snowed here last night as when we fetched the car from the hotel car park it was covered again!
Sunnier Climes await us I hope!

Our Rotary Journey has already been interesting and fun, but this really feels like the Journey has started having its good times...and I am so Excited!!!!!!

and we have arrived.......

and then we meet our host family, Robin who is a member of the RC of Dr.Phillips in Orlando. Rick her husband, and their three beautiful children....