Tuesday, 8 December 2009

M4 M5 and Plymouth in the rain Conference planning visit

A 7am start with Christine knocking the door ready to pick up Alan in Abertillery and Howard in Newport...and its bucketing down!

Still raining this time Cats and dogs on the M4, by the time we get to the M5 its Lions and Tigers!!!!!!

But we arrived at Plymouth safe and sound for two very good meetings with the Copthorne Hotel and the Pavillions centre...we all came away feeling really bouyed and happy about the plans in place.

It was raining again by the time we hit the M5 but never mind we had a splashing day anyway!

The Picture shows the team and their partners after a leaflet filling exercise for prebooking the Copthorne Hotel Rooms, this was done in October when we were at DG Bobs conference in Torquay....if you haven't had your form to prebook your room then please go to the District 1150 website and get one and send it of with your deposit...rooms are being booked now...so if you want one you need to book now....we really would like you to be part of the 2010-11 conference at Plymouth...

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