So of to Birmingham to learn and be inspired for the year ahead..for the RIBI Assembly
Assembly is about training and sharing of Rotary experiences to help us help others, this one was the RIBI one.
The others are
The RI Assembly - held in January is for incoming District Governors[DGE's] and their spouses, so Bob and Edwina have already been to that one,[Steve and I go in Jan 2010] this is the training for newly elected district governors for the following Rotary year. The assembly is motivational and inspires for the forthcoming Rotary International programmes.
RIBI Assembly - held after the RI Assembly, this is for District officers within RIBI, provides a informative function for the motivation and education of Rotarians in their districts.
District Assemblies - held after the RIBI Assembly in our District it is held in May, this event provides a opportunity for Rotarians to become aware of the programmes for them to consider working with in their own clubs. It also helps club officers and chairmen to meet with those performing similar tasks in other clubs, as well as a chance to catch up with old friends and to make new.
Club Assemblies - I think this is the most important meeting of the year for Rotary clubs, as these assemblies give club officers and chairmen the opportunity to present their programme of activities for the forthcoming year to club members.
So did I learn anything in Birmingham....Yes that being the District Governor is scary! but I am looking forward to it and to all the new friends we met in our Group.. and I came back with loads to I might be busy again for a while...!